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10 Best Ideas For Trendy Wedding Reception

Brooke Collits
How to organize the wedding ceremony in the present age? It is the most challenging question which almost every couple faces while preparing for their wedding day.
The answers to this tough question could be different for all couples, but one thing to be considered is undeniable that you cannot help but follow the ongoing trends.
So, what latest trends could be used as a basis for the wedding inspiration? Take a look at the 10 best ideas for a trendy wedding reception.

Invisible chairs

It does not matter how much space you have, multiple chairs steal its biggest part visually. If you want to create a “no clutter” wedding reception and shift the accent from chairs to the other elements, use the latest trend – acrylic chairs. Acryl makes the chairs extremely transparent and visually less accented.

Care About Relaxing

Individual balance is on focus today. Fuss and noise, excess of emotions regardless of their being positive or negative ones are not for everyone. Many people need to take a pause and restore their human potential. Sparkling elements like man-made diamonds from MadeStones could be a good solution to create a calming effect.

Children’s Area

You invited guests with children. When kids have nothing to do they start enjoying themselves in any way. Think about interesting leisure for the little adventurers. It could be a space with diverse table plays or playground with multiple attractions. Ask children to paint the newlyweds or create hand-made presents for them.


Aromas’ power is often underestimated. Indeed, being an intangible element of a wedding, they can cause a powerful effect on guests’ conscious. Think about associations that you want to establish for your wedding ceremony and choose the most suitable aroma to flavor your wedding reception.

Original Wish Book

Wooden puzzles are among the best ideas we have happened to see. Make a huge photo and split it into pieces. Ask guests to write their wishes on the reverse side of the photo and construct a holistic picture from the pieces. This activity can help in filling the organizational gaps, coloring the waiting minutes and creating a memorable wish book.

Family Tree

Your parents, siblings, as well as other relatives and friends, contributed to your being happy this day. So, it is time to demonstrate the personal value of everybody. Create a stunning family wall album depicting the brightest life moments. You will be surprised by a myriad of stories and memories that your closest can recall when looking at them.

Trendy Cocktail Menu

Creating an original cocktail menu is the best way to go trendy. You cannot invent a bicycle one more time but you can choose the best options from existing ones. You can invite the professional who will turn ordinary drinking in a true show. Provide guests with the opportunity to drink playing, investigating and discovering new tastes and emotions.

Sustainable Accent

Eco-trend is on top of modern society. Forget needless elements and excess décor. Be minimalistic and try to generate less waste, especially when the wedding is in the forest or on the coast. You can use natural elements for décor, the bride and groom’s looks, memorable gifts for guests.

Cake to Go

When creating a dessert menu, consider the possibility to take the cake on hand and go to any place your guests could want. This approach is especially good for a wedding that occurs in picturesque places where guests can become inspired for having a minute to be alone or a moment for sincere talks with each other.

Personalize Your Day

Art vision, creative stand and look from outside is more valuable than making a photo. Invite a painter who will work during your wedding day and paint the moments he/she considers special. This trendy approach is good to not only fix surprising details and memorize your day but also endow your wedding reception with unique aura of delicacy.
We would be happy if something inspired you. Use the ideas, develop them but do not copy. We do not mind but consider that you are not a single couple who have read this. Individuality is the best trend. Creating something special is always better than following.