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Bridal Shower Game Ideas

Chandramita Bora
No party can be complete without party games, and it holds true for a bridal shower party as well. It is a party organized to shower the future bride with gifts and blessings, and one can make it truly special with some fun party games, as discussed in this story.
A bridal shower is the perfect occasion not only for showering gifts, but also love and blessings on the future bride. It is a common practice in the United States and Canada to arrange a party in honor of the future bride. A bridal shower is a colorful ceremony that gives the future bride an opportunity to celebrate her happiness with her closest friends and relatives.
Arranging a bridal shower party for the first time can be a bit difficult. However, a proper plan regarding the party location, decorations, themes, food, and games, can make the job a bit easier for you. As far as the themes are concerned, they could be either wedding themes or anything ranging from tea parties, movies, to wine tasting.
If you have selected a theme for the party, then you can incorporate it in every aspect of the party, like decorations, food, and games. Games are one of the most effective ways to make the party thrilling and entertaining.

Games to Play at a Bridal Shower Party

The Icebreaker Game

The first game of the party should be a party icebreaker game that can give the guests an opportunity to know each other. This purpose can be achieved with a simple game like 'Who Am I'. Here, you have to attach a card with a name written on it, to the back of each guest. The names selected for this purpose can be anything, but the names of famous celebrities would make the game more interesting.
While attaching these cards or name tags, make sure that a guest cannot see the name tag attached to his or her back, but others can see it. Now, let your guests ask each other for some clues to find out their names. The person who can figure out his or her name first would be the winner of this game.

Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

To play a creative game, divide your guests into several groups in such a way that each group contains at least three members. Now, give each team some toilet paper with which they have to make a bridal or wedding dress. This popular game is known as 'Toilet Paper Wedding Dress'.
Allow a time period, say 15 to 20 minutes to make the paper dress, and prize the team which will come up with the most beautiful and creative wedding dress.

Caught in the Middle

'Caught in the Middle' is a famous party game, which would fill your bridal shower party with warmth and laughter. Make everybody sit in a circle, and then provide an item like a bag or balloon to the participants. Now, play your favorite music and ask each guest to pass the balloon to the next person sitting beside him/her.
Ask them to continue passing the bag/balloon until the music stops. The person found with the balloon when the music stops would be the one to get caught in the middle, and he or she should be made to perform an activity asked by others. To make the game more enjoyable, ask your guests to do some funny and amusing activities.

Purse Game

Another simple, but entertaining game is the 'Purse Game'. To play this game, make a list of items that are more likely to appear in a woman's purse. Assign a specific point to each item. In general, more points are assigned to the most unusual items. The guest who scores the most by naming the items that can be commonly found in a woman's purse would be the winner of this game.


'Charades' is suitable for any type of party and get together. To play this game, divide your guests into two groups or teams. Each member of the teams has to perform a mono act at a time to communicate the name of a particular movie.
The name of the movie should be given in secret so that it is known only to the performer. The performer cannot utter a single word while doing this mono act, which means that he or she has to communicate only with gestures.
The other members of the team have to guess the movie's name by observing the act. For each correct guess, each team would score a point. At the end of a given time period, the team which can guess the maximum number of correct names would win this game. This game is not only entertaining, but requires a high level of intelligence and discerning abilities.
Hope these simple games will help make your party a truly memorable event. While playing these games, do not force anyone to participate. Instead, make the games so interesting and thrilling that your guests come on their own to play.