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How to Choose a Cushion Cut Diamond Ring

Mamta Mule
Cushion cut diamonds are traditional in nature, with modern variations of its kind that are also available. With its square cut and rounded edges, this sort of diamond is gaining popularity once again, for its old, classic charm. Let's take a look at what you'll need to consider before buying a beautiful cushion cut diamond.
There are several factors to keep in mind when picking out the perfect diamond; the size of the table, the pavilion pattern, fire intensity, cut, clarity, and size of the culet. Let's take an in depth look at what you have to inquire about and check for, when it comes to this kind of diamond.

Important Factors

Table: A diamond's table percent is the calculated result of the width of the table facet (flat surface of the rock), divided by the width of the diamond itself. Depending on the cut of the diamond, the table percent fluctuates, where it is important to first choose the right diamond cut before looking into its table value.
The right table percents to look for are:
  • Excellent: 61 - 67
  • Very Good: 58 - 60
  • Good: 56 - 57
Clarity: There are two kinds of flaws that are evident in diamonds because of the nature of its previous surroundings, that could have damaged it prior to having them manufactured. These are blemishes and inclusions. These flaws lie within and on the surface of a diamond, hampering its ability to shine as brilliantly as it otherwise can.
To find a flawless diamond is difficult, being as rare as they are. Under magnification, a flaw is graded depending on what is visible under the magnifier and to the naked eye.
To classify diamonds based on their clarity, here are the values you should look for:
  • < .50 ct.: Excellent (FL - VS2), Very Good (SI1 - SI2), Good (I1)
  • .51-1.0 ct.: Excellent (FL - VS1), Very Good (VS2 - SI1), Good (SI2)
  • 1.0-2.0 ct.: Excellent (FL - VVS2), Very Good (VS1 - VS2), Good (SI1 - SI2)
  • > 2.0 ct.: Excellent (FL - VVS2), Very Good (VS1 - VS2), Good (SI1)
The alphabet-numeral values stand for - FL (Flawless), SI (Slightly Included), I (Included), VS (Very Slightly Included), and VVS (Very, Very Slightly Included).
Color: The color of the diamond determines its price, where blues, yellows, and pinks, are highly sought-after and exorbitantly priced. Keep in mind that the values given below are evaluated on a white diamond's color grade, using the following grading system:
  • G, H, I, and J contain slight traces of color and are best set in either white gold or platinum.
  • K, L, and M fall in the faint color category, where tinges of color are visible to the naked eye; these diamonds are set in gold.
  • Category N - R contains a hint of brown or yellow coloring in its diamonds, where the last category, S - Z, has the highest concentration of color, which is known as an unappealing choice for customers.
Length to Width: This ratio determines how well a diamond has been cut, where a perfectly-shaped rock will carry the length to width ratio of 1.00. Some diamonds may be slightly off when it comes to these measurements.
  • Square Diamond: Excellent/Very Good (1.00 - 1.03); Good (1.04 - 1.05)
  • Rectangular Diamond: Excellent (1.15 - 1.20); Very Good/Good (1.10 - 1.14 or 1.21 - 1.30)
The above values are just a slice of what needs to be looked into while picking out a cushion cut diamond, where the factors will be best explained by a professional in a store, or outlined on the internet in the product details section.
Be sure about these values by choosing a website that has been evaluated and approved by a credible company (like GIA), that knows diamonds inside and out.