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Tips to Write Your Own Wedding Vows

Sujata Iyer
Planning to write your own wedding vows? Well then you can use all the help you can get. That's what we'll give you in this story.
Remember how Big just couldn't bring himself to write his own wedding vow in Sex and the City? You don't want to end up in a similar situation, do you? Especially if you and your fiancé/fiancée have decided to write them yourselves instead of going in for the traditional ones.
It's not really difficult to write personalized vows. All it takes is a thorough knowledge of the person you're marrying, undying love for him or her, and the ability to look into his or her eyes and say something straight from the heart, all of which are being taken totally for granted in this story, given that you're marrying the person.
Well then, let's get to some basic steps that you can follow to write that perfect vow for the love of your life.

Writing the Perfect Wedding Vow

Your wedding is going to be the happiest and most perfect day of your life. There's absolutely no doubt about it. You cannot compromise that in any way. Vows are a very important part of the wedding traditions. And while many couples like to stick to simple ones, if you've chosen to write your own, then you have to be sure that it is perfect in every sense. Given below are some very easy steps that you can follow to ensure that yours is, in one word, awesome!

Decide the Type

As mentioned above, since you have opted for a personally written one, you now have many options to explore about what type of vow you want. Sure it will be modern and catchy like the ones we see in movies, but how are you going to add your personal touch to it? You can write something humorous with anecdotes from your relationship (if you know that it will be appreciated), or you can have a really sentimental one to celebrate your love. Then, next step.

Make Notes

Once you have decided the tone of the vow, you need to get started on it. We're hoping you haven't left this for the last minute because if you force yourself to think, it is highly unlikely for you to come up with something extraordinary to say.
Instead, keep a notepad or your cell phone, with you at all times. And whenever something strikes you, note it down. You'll be surprised at the number of inspiring ideas you'll be struck with when you least expect them.
If you haven't got any ideas, think about what you love most about your partner, why you love him or her and why you want to spend the rest of your life with him or her. Once you put pen to paper, it'll all come to you.

Print It

Once you think you have enough material for your wedding vow, sit down and go through all of them. Sift and decide how much of which idea you want to use. Make rough drafts using the ideas and anecdotes, and throw in some romantic quotes if you wish. When you think you've got a winning draft, get it printed. Try to have just a one-page print, because you don't want to be flipping through pages at the altar!

Read and Re-read

Once you have the final print, the process is almost done. Now, you must decide if you're going to say it without referring to the paper or otherwise. Taking vows without reading is just more romantic and appears more sincere than reading them. But keep a copy with you, just in case.
Now, read, read and re-read! Keep reading it to yourself until you learn it almost by heart. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to get the right intonation. And on the final day, once you begin, you won't even need the copy.

An Example to Get you Started

Given below is an example that you might want to refer to while drafting your own.

People say love is complicated. I disagree. I think love is so simple. You don't lie, you don't cheat, you make each other happy, you drive each other crazy and yet get along to the extent of reading each other's minds. That's it! You make loving you so ridiculously easy, I will go against anyone to defend the statement I just made.
Thank you for being so simply lovable, because that is undoubtedly the best kind. I promise to love you unconditionally forever, and know that you do too. Thank you for bringing my life back to life. I am forever yours.
There you have it! Easy and practical steps to writing your own wedding vows. So get writing and show him or her why exactly he or she is marrying you!